Dear all,

this is probably quite a simple issue for people that are familiar with the test command

I am running a fixed effects regression to examine the association between changes in wealth (ihs transformed) over the marital dissolution process. The marital dissolution process is reflected by four dummy variables (sepneg, sepy, divy1 and divy2) with the reference 'at least 3 years prior to actual separation'. As I expect this to differ between men and women, I interact the marital dissolution dummies with a gender dummy (female 1/0). I run this in Stata 15.

My code for the fixed effects regression looks as followed:
 xtreg wealth_ihsa i.sepneg#i.female i.sepy#i.female i.divy1#i.female i.divy2#i.female $covfe, fe vce(cluster id)
I understand that I can test whether men and women during separation differ significantly in their wealth with the following command:
 test 1.sepy#0.female=1.sepy#1.female
What I would like to test though is whether the difference between men and women during separation (1.sepy#0.female vs 1.sepy#1.female) is not larger than 0.096. This is equivalent to a 10% difference. After an advice from a colleague, I have tried the following:
 test _b[1.sep#0.female:1.sep#1.female]-0.096=0
However, I only get the error message 'equation 1.sep#0.female not found'. So obviously, this is not the right way. Can anyone advice on how to properly test this? Is the command 'test' even the appropriate command to use?

I hope I have been clear enough and someone can provide some help.