I have a dataset consisting of different exchange rate time series, each starting at different date. First always comes the date column and then the respective exchange rate column. I want to save each exchange rate with its date column as a separate dataset, so I want to separate the dataset after every second column. The names of the date columns might Change, so I would prefer not to use them, but the structure will always be the same.

The goal is to then create one continuous date variable and merge the individual exchange rates back together using the date variable to create one dataset with all exchange rates ordered by a single date variable. I guess it shouldnt be hard to do, but I found no concise way to do it.

input str15 date1 AED_USD str15 date2 AFN_USD str15 date3 BEL_USD
"01.01.1999" 0.8 "01.03.1990" 0.005 "01.01.1970" 1.5
"02.01.1999" 0.81 "02.03.1990" 0.004 "02.01.1970" 1.5
"03.01.1999" 0.82 "03.03.1990" 0.005 "03.01.1970" 1.5
"04.01.1999" 0.79 "04.03.1990" 0.005 "04.01.1970" 1.5