I would like to know if it is possible to display significance stars for the mean which I have calculated using the tabstat commande. Also, is it possible to display the label of the variables and not their name. Thank you.
group variable | N mean sd
CCT hhsize | 893 6.332587 2.312527
asset_inde~e | 1352 .2885318 2.553474
female_hea~d | 893 .2945129 .4560789
mobile | 893 .656215 .4752366
age_round1 | 1352 15.36538 1.863098
highest_gr~e | 1352 7.308432 1.577127
mother_alive | 1351 .8053294 .3960935
father_alive | 1346 .7065379 .4555176
never_had_~e | 1352 .7352071 .4413861
ever_preg_r1 | 445 .0359551 .1863877
UCT hhsize | 502 6.747012 2.288071
asset_inde~e | 754 .8411651 2.438505
female_hea~d | 501 .3073852 .4618716
mobile | 502 .7171315 .4508423
age_round1 | 754 15.53714 1.884254
highest_gr~e | 754 7.803714 1.676709
mother_alive | 754 .8342175 .3721321
father_alive | 751 .7070573 .4554157
never_had_~e | 754 .770557 .4207537
ever_preg_r1 | 250 .02 .1402808
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