Dear StataList-ers!

I have the following dataset, focused on sexually-transmitted disease in USA (state level) by year and gender. Instead of a single variable "Disease", I would like to deal with the numerous types of disease as separate variables (e.g. "Gonorrhea rate"; "Primary Syphilis rate", "Total Syphilis rate", etc.). I read the help files for reshape and collapse, and watched some tutorials. This seems like a very basic question but I am still not sure how to manage this Please, help!

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str20 State byte StateCode str30 Disease int DiseaseCode str6 Gender int Year long Count double Rate
"Alabama" 1 "Secondary Syphilis"             312 "Male"   1984   211  11.13
"Alabama" 1 "Primary and Secondary Syphilis" 310 "Male"   1984   446  23.52
"Alabama" 1 "Secondary Syphilis"             312 "Female" 1984   186   9.05
"Alabama" 1 "Primary Syphilis"               311 "Male"   1984   235  12.39
"Alabama" 1 "Early Latent Syphilis"          313 "Male"   1984   309  16.29
"Alabama" 1 "Early Latent Syphilis"          313 "Female" 1984   181    8.8
"Alabama" 1 "Late and Late Latent Syphilis"  314 "Male"   1984   103   5.43
"Alabama" 1 "Total Syphilis"                 320 "Female" 1984   509  24.76
"Alabama" 1 "Total Syphilis"                 320 "Male"   1984   860  45.35
"Alabama" 1 "Primary Syphilis"               311 "Female" 1984    41   1.99
"Alabama" 1 "Primary and Secondary Syphilis" 310 "Female" 1984   227  11.04
"Alabama" 1 "Late and Late Latent Syphilis"  314 "Female" 1984   101   4.91
"Alabama" 1 "Gonorrhea"                      280 "Male"   1984 11021 581.18
"Alabama" 1 "Gonorrhea"                      280 "Female" 1984 11917 579.64
"Alabama" 1 "Early Latent Syphilis"          313 "Male"   1985   290  15.21
"Alabama" 1 "Gonorrhea"                      280 "Female" 1985 12153 587.83
"Alabama" 1 "Late and Late Latent Syphilis"  314 "Male"   1985   131   6.87
"Alabama" 1 "Gonorrhea"                      280 "Male"   1985 11025 578.42
"Alabama" 1 "Total Syphilis"                 320 "Female" 1985   502  24.28
"Alabama" 1 "Secondary Syphilis"             312 "Male"   1985   185   9.71
Thanks heaps! Much appreciated!
