I would like to regress each variable separately on one independent variable. Furthermore, the first regression for each variable should be based on the observations 1 up to lets say 10, the second regression for each variable on the observations 11 up to 20 and so on. In a final step I would like to have all the coefficients listed in a table.
This is the code I thought may work, but it gives the error massage " 'i' invalid obs no". Could anyone tell me where the mistake is?
Any help would be very much appreciated!
clear all set more off sysuse auto postutil clear postfile bse str20 var float (beta1) using results, replace foreach s of varlist mpg-trunk{ forvalues i= 1 (1)64{ quiet reg price `s' in ‘i’ / ‘i’ +10 } matrix r = r(table) post bse ("`s'") (r[1,2]) } postclose bse use results, clear list
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