I have an issue when I try to install the ssc package 'asdoc'.
In the past I have always been able to install the package without any issues, but now I get different types of warnings, being:
r(602), r(603), r(699)
1.replacing the installed package with, but then it generates the same r(602) error stating that the ado file already existArrayCode:ssc install ascode, replace
2. deleting the installed package, but then it gives the error that the package does not exist. Which is why I usedto see what packages are installed and the output (see below) shows that 'asdoc' is indeed not installed. I have found the same error with other packages I have installed in the past (e.g. nnmatch package)PS: I can only access Stata through a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure of my uni, meaning that the program is not downloaded on my pc, but runs on the servers of the university.Code:ado dir
PS: I am using Stata 14.2 through a Virtual Desktop Interface from Uni, meaning that I cannot download Stata on my PC, but that it runs on my uni's servers.
Thanks for all your advice,
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