Let's say I have a binary variable Y and an ordinal predictor X1 (i.e., X1 = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). I regress Y on X1 in a logit, and the coefficient on X1 is -0.051293294, so the odds ratio of X1 is 0.95. Therefore, a one unit increase in X1 lowers the odds of Y = 1 by 5%.

Let's say I want to calculate the odds when X1 = 4. How do I calculate that in Stata? Since this is a nonlinear model, I can't simply do 5% * 4, correct? Is it appropriate to do -0.051293294 * 4 and then calculate the odds ratio of that value, which would be 0.81? Is it appropriate to call this an odds ratio?