Hi all,

I have four vars:
outcome coded as 0 "no" 1 "yes"
race coded as 1 "asian" 2 "latin" 3 "black" 4 "white"
region_res coded as 1 "South" 2 "West" 3 "Midwest" 4 "Northeast"
rural coded as 0 "no" 1 "yes"
The dataset is coplex survey data; thus, I svyset and ran logistic regressions with region-race interactions as follows.

svy: logit outcome ib3.race##ib3.region_res i.rural, or

However, I then thought that residing in a specific region and having a specific racial background are discrete characteristics for each observation that I could not get the whole point of including the main effects of region and race in the regression analysis. So, I excluded the main effects got the following output.

svy: logit outcome ib3.race#ib3.region_res i.rural, or

Am I right with my second point, 'partial factorial'? I'm just wondering if this may affect the analysis.

Thank you!

I use Stata15.1/SE version