Hello statalisters,

I regard my puzzle as symple but I cannot get my head around it and I have already check the Stata's help guides and this forum in the search of a solution but I cannot make it work regardless.

Basically I have a variable with 11 missing values and 11 missing observations in it. As follows the data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long date str10 cusip double(ret year) str2 gsector float(me btm) long IPOdate float(IPO fulldate month first_date fullfirst_date n portf_ret portf_ret1 prod portf_bh portf_annualmean_bh wr bhar nvals mean_bhar sd_bhar t)
180 "65334H10"    .3333333432674408 1975 "10"    57.392 1.2116153    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1  .23957734 1.2395773  57005.22  57004.22 1.4907275         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "12803020"   .06896551698446274 1975 "10"  9.296125         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1  .06896552 1.0689656 28.504797 27.504797  .3220356  .2160258  -56976.72 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "13442260"    .2083333283662796 1975 "15" 16.250875  2.059226    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .2832149  1.283215  5515.046  5514.046 1.0501978         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
190 "53631510"  -.09433962404727936 1975 "15" 156.58376 .56269795 5783 1 5783 11 190 5783  1 -.09433962  .9056604  7.262182  6.262182  .1796566  .1710693  -5507.784 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "55261510"    .4615384638309479 1975 "20"  10.55925  1.544468    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .2984893 1.2984893  916.9833  915.9833  .7654827         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "48120610"   .16714597729587966 1975 "20"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1  .32649085  1.326491  52.41497  51.41497  .3908745  .5106249  -864.5683 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "12216930"                  -.5 1975 "25"  161.9685         .    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .3238313 1.3238313  1094.934  1093.934  .7917703         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "75764210"    .8333336622223755 1975 "25"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1    .405184  1.405184 199.38013 198.38013 .55467695  .7005529  -895.5538 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "83240710"    .3035714328289032 1975 "30"  21.62625 1.1024528    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .2895239  1.289524 1037.2871 1036.2871  .7837127         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "92241710"    .4181825148568985 1975 "30"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1   .4181825 1.4181825  8.522838  7.522838 .19549753  .2494505 -1028.7643 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "18946810"    .4399999976158142 1975 "35"    26.235  2.864055    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1    .296936  1.296936 1828.7367 1827.7367  .8700186         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "20557T10"    1.333999584839753 1975 "35"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1   .4148225 1.4148226  2191.395  2190.395  .8984247   1.03265   362.6583 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "25466010"   .30000001192092896 1975 "40"  1.613625     2.948    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .3001843 1.3001842 1792.8048 1791.8048  .8669288         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "86209910"    .3164556963050795 1975 "40"  41.00196         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1  .22502947 1.2250295 124.57706 123.57706  .4949265  .5708964 -1668.2278 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "01163410"    .2857142155102015 1975 "45"         .         .    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1    .353499  1.353499  83767.56  83766.56 1.5719132         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "20681410"     .282258064516129 1975 "45"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1   .6367216 1.6367216 3376.6794 3375.6794  .9680713  .6158554  -80390.88 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "78199Y10"   1.3333333333333335 1975 "50"     3.682         .    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1    .329451  1.329451 1298.3778 1297.3778  .8173982         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "19687910"   .19047491412413664 1975 "50"         .         . 5479 1 5479  1 180 5479  1   .1904749 1.1904749 290.60837 289.60837  .6042634  .7392522 -1007.7694 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "83541510"   .04093567281961441 1975 "55"  447.5365  .8403047    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1    .255589  1.255589  2543.142  2542.142  .9221217         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
204 "19567410"   .10869564861059189 1977 "55"    15.351         . 5813 1 6210  1 191 5813 14  .10869565 1.1086956  1.744596   .744596 .04746915 .05147818  -2541.397 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
180 "88654610"   .20930232107639313 1975 "60"    14.898  1.415845    . 0 5479  1 180 5479  1   .3477683 1.3477683 1722.6477 1721.6477  .8607286         .          . 1 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
247 "03814410" -.038461538461538436 1980 "60"         .         . 7518 1 7518  8 247 7518  1 -.03846154  .9615384  6.674772  5.674772  .1713941 .19912677  -1715.973 0 -13839.544 27655.84 -1.6597064
format %tm date
format %td IPOdate
format %d fulldate
format %d fullfirst_date

I simply want to create a new variable that contains the sum of ((each observation within "bhar" minus its mean) to the third power). Let me be more illustrative with a picture:


Now, I have tried the following loop albeit unsucessfully:

gen x=.
forvalues i = 1/11 {
  replace x = x + (bhar - mean_bhar)^3 if bhar==`i'
Variable "x" should contain 11 missing values and other 11 values that are all the same and equal to the result of the previous operation.

Thank you for your attention. I much appreciate your help.