I have time-series data and I want to plot two variables 'against' each other, so that the line displays the cyclical behaviour of the two variables over time.
The variables are:
hpr=real house prices
real thh (rthh) = real household debt
The graph below displays the relationship between hpr and rthh over time. What I would like to do, is to set time-markers on the line, at certain points (2008 f.e.)
The code for the graph looks like this (my data-set is technically panel data):
line hpr rthh if iso=="USA", title("USA")
Again, I would now like to 'mark' certain points on this line with the corresponding year. This also means, I do not want to mark each year of the time series, as this would be messy, but only certain years (1970, 1980, 1990, 2008).
Thank you very much,
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