Hi there,

I am running a flexible parametric model with 2 knots (I know this is equivalent to weibull model but for some reasons I want to use stpm2). So, I just have 2 boundary knots and no internal knot. I want to specify knot locations using “knotstvc” and “bknotstvc” options. I tried to use bknotstvs without knotstvc as follows: “bknotstvc ( -.67 2.70 )” but I faced error of “invalid name”. Again, I tried to use the same internal knots and boundary knots as follows: “knotstvc( -.67 2.70 ) bknotstvc( -.67 2.70 )”. This time the stpm2 ran, but the output considered 3 splines (i.e. 4 knots).
Would you please help me how should I define boundary knot locations when I have no internal knots?

Any help would be much appreciated.