local X inv exp uti acc rd cf tokenize "`X'" gen adjr2=. forval j = 0/6 { gen b`j'=. } forval i = 1/`=_N' { local same sic_2[`i'] == sic_2 & yr[`i'] == yr qui count if `same' & _n != `i' qui if r(N) > 25 { reg pay `X' if `same' & _n != `i' if _rc == 0 { replace b0 = _b[_cons] in `i' replace adjr2=e(r2_a) in `i' forval j = 1/6 { replace b`j' = _b[``j''] in `i' } } } }
For each industry and year group, the number of firms that reports a non-zero dividend variable (use div for dividend) is greater than a quarter of the number of firms in each industry year group and must be greater than 10 firms per industry and year group ? Note that div is not a variable in the regression.
My aim is to ensure that the regression above is estimated when there is a sufficient number of firms in each industry and year group that reports non-zero div. Note that sic_2 is my industry identifier.
Thank in advance
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