* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double csw byte age -2.8 28 3.2 28 3.4 26 -3.4 27 -2.6 29 4 26 -3.4 27 2.6 28 3.2 25 3 26 3 25 -3.6 26 3.4 28 -4 30 -3.6 31 -3.8 30 -4.4 34 3.4 33 3 34 -4.8 33 -3 30 -3.4 32 -3.8 30 3.6 34 -3.6 33 -3.8 30 4.2 34 3.8 33 -3.6 32 3.2 34 -3.4 37 2.6 35 3.2 39 -3.6 35 4.6 39 2.6 36 -3.4 36 3 36 -3 37 -2.8 37 3.2 38 3.8 35 3.6 39 -3.4 38 4.4 39 -4.2 38 3.2 35 3.6 38 -4.2 37 3.6 36 3.4 39 4.2 36 -2.8 36 3.8 36 -3.2 39 -3 36 -3.6 39 -3.8 37 -3.2 35 -3.6 37 3.4 39 -3.6 38 3.8 42 -3.2 40 -2.8 40 3.6 41 -3.6 40 -4 40 3.4 42 -3.4 44 -4 40 -3.6 42 -3.6 44 -3.6 44 -3.4 40 -3.6 41 -3.4 44 -3.8 40 -3.6 44 -3.6 44 -3.2 42 4 44 4.2 40 -3.6 40 -3.6 42 -3.6 43 3 42 3.2 42 -3.4 44 3.8 40 3.2 43 3.6 41 -3.2 40 -3.6 43 -3.4 43 -3 40 3.4 47 3.4 48 -3.6 45 -3.6 49 end twoway dot csw age ,hori ylabel(,nogrid) xlabel(-5 "5" -4 "4" -3 "3" -2 "2" -1 "1" 1(1)5) xscale(r(-5(1)-1 1(1)5))
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