saving a graph using graph export for the first time under a name such as graphtime.wmf saves the graphic file (windows metafile format in this case) with correct file date and time as is displayed e.g. in windows explorer.
When re-runing the same code the graph file is updated properly but the file date and time is not updated.
How can I make Stata to update the file attribute filetime each time a graphic file is replaced by an updated version?

sysuse auto
hist foreign,  note("Filename: graphtime.wmf, Filedate and time: `c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'")  
graph export "graphtime.wmf", replace
I am using
Stata/SE 15.1 for Windows (64-bit x86-64)
Windows 10 Pro, Version 1809

I'd be grateful to receive a hint
Stephan Brosig