Below i have included a sample of my two categorial variables. How do i perform a Chi^2 test to check if the distribution of the three exit types (Buyback, Sale, IPO) are the same between the three investor types (Foreign, local, mixed).
A test of homogeneity i think it is? The chi^2 pearson test i found in Stata is testing if they are independent another as far as i can tell..
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str7(var1 var2) "Foreign" "Buyback" "Local" "Buyback" "Foreign" "Sale" "Local" "Sale" "Foreign" "IPO" "Local" "Sale" "Local" "IPO" "Foreign" "Buyback" "Foreign" "IPO" "Mixed" "Sale" "Mixed" "Sale" "Mixed" "IPO" end
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