I already searched for this topic and found similar threads, but I still have problems with making xtdpdsys command equivalent to xtabond2. The reason why I need xtabond2 is because of the "collapse" function.
This is the xtdpdsys command:
xtdpdsys deposits_ratio hhdebtgdp nomir_depo log_incomecap m1_income y_*, lags(1) maxldep(1) endog(hhdebtgdp nomir_depo log_incomecap m1_income) artests(2)
xtabond2 L(0/1).deposits_ratio hhdebtgdp nomir_depo log_incomecap m1_income y_*, gmm(deposits_ratio hhdebtgdp nomir_depo log_incomecap m1_income, lag(2 .) collapse) iv(y_*, eq(diff))
Thank you in advance!
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