Dear all

I'm fairly new with Stata and I have done my best to search for previous questions which answered my problem but I couldn't find any, I'm therefore sincerely sorry if any of you are aware of a threat which answers my question. It might just be that my question is so simple that no one else has asked it.

I have 2 dependent variables (dependent_1 and dependent_2 which I want to test independently they both contain a value from a scale of 1-10, they have been made judging a companies ability to innovate.

Secondly, I have my binary independent variable which is a company_characteristic either (0 they don't have this characteristic or 1 they do have this characteristic)

Finally, I have two moderators which are the age (measured in years) of the company and the size (measured in numbers of employees).

So far I have run

regress dependent_1 i.company_characteristic##size

But my result does not seem to work.

Can anyone help me with either by showing me my mistake or point me to relevant literature which might help me further?

Once again all help is really appreciated and I hope my question is not too simple, I am entirely new to Stata but I have already tried to read the relevant parts of the manual.

All best.