
I am currently writing a paper on democratic satisfaction in the UK over the last 20 years where I am using gologit2
I was wondering if it's possible to set some of the control variables at there means.

my control variables are gender, age, economic evaluation and general interest in politics.

this is currently my dofil
global ylist tilfreds global xlist i.year##i.vinder6 i.b_1 c.øi c.b_3 c.d_10 summarize $ylist $xlist ologit $ylist $xlist, nolog brant gologit2 $ylist $xlist, autofit lrforce or nolog

b_1 is a dichotomy variable for gender, where man is 0 and female is 1
øi is an index over economic evaluation, which is categorical and can have a value between 0-5
d_10 is political interest and is a continuous variable between 0-10
b_3 is age and the min values are 18 and max is 98.

I would love to be able to set economical evaluation, general interest, and age their means.
right now my output is for an extreme observation, an 18 male, who has no interest in politics, think the economy is doing horrible.

hope somebody can help