Dear all,

I am trying to obtain simple Impulse Response Functions after running a SVAR.

matrix A1 = (1,0,0,0,0 \ .,1,0,0,0 \ .,.,1,0,0 \ .,.,.,1,0 \ .,.,.,.,1)
matrix B1 = (.,0,0,0,0 \ 0,.,0,0,0 \0,0,.,0,0\0,0,0,.,0\0,0,0,0,. )
svar QE yields10 inflation invest RGDP, lags(1) aeq(A1) beq(B1)
irf create order1, step(10) set(var2.irf)
The first three lines work (I obtain coefficients for the SVAR). However, following the last line, I get the error message:
file var2.irf could not be opened

I have not gotten the code to work even once.
I have changed the permission for the Stata application from "Read" to "Read & Write" for all enclosed items and all users, but that did not solve the problem.
A Statalist user in an earlier post suggested plugging my laptop on the socket and restart, but that did not solve the problem.

I am using version 13.0 on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6.

Thank you for your advice.