
I'm running Stata 15.1 on OSX. My ultimate objective is to examine the extent that each US state's political ideology has varied over time. I'm unsure how to go about this though. My current approach--which is computationally demanding, given the size of the dataset (N=392,755)--is to do the following:

egen ideo_AL=wtmean(ideo5) if state==1, by(year) weight(weight_cumulative)
egen ideo_AK=wtmean(ideo5) if state==2, by(year) weight(weight_cumulative)
And so on and so forth. The obvious issue with this approach (which I'm hoping is surmountable) is that I'm forced to create separate mean-variables for each state. This is both time (and CPU) consuming and also leaves me with dozens of variables. I'm thus wondering if there is a way to store all the annual state means in a single variable. Thanks in advance for your input!

Here is some sample data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long(year ideo5 state) double weight_cumulative
2006 2 37 1.3460122911501249
2006 3 39  .7038786650023755
2006 2 34 1.1582975461680245
2006 2 17 1.0166128334258435
2006 2 36  .6563246369597865
2006 2 48   .609829636694957
2006 4 27  .5647936660597331
2006 2 32   .609829636694957
2006 2 48 .24095777953558578
2006 3 24  .8015982440280928
2006 4 12  .5647936660597331
2006 3 18 1.1582975461680245
2006 5  6  .6563246369597865
2006 5  6 .44513128169733296
2006 3 41  1.448635774935967
2006 2 26 .24095777953558578
2006 3 53   .609829636694957
2006 4 27 .44513128169733296
2006 1 18   .609829636694957
2006 4 36  .5647936660597331
2006 3 20  .5647936660597331
2006 6 42 1.1582975461680245
2006 2  8 1.1582975461680245
2006 4 19  .5247828540709243
2006 5  1 1.1582975461680245
2006 3 26 .24095777953558578
2006 4 39  .8958343645587167
2006 2 13   .609829636694957
2006 3 13 1.0941220443843926
2006 4 19   .270499072840533
2006 4 18 1.1582975461680245
2006 5 32  1.448635774935967
2006 4 12  .5647936660597331
2006 4  6 .44513128169733296
2006 5  6  .5647936660597331
2006 3 48   .609829636694957
2006 2  6  .5247828540709243
2006 3 18   .609829636694957
2006 1  6  1.448635774935967
2006 4 48 .24095777953558578
2006 2 18 .24095777953558578
2006 4 38   .609829636694957
2006 4 17 1.2466091687511938
2006 4 48  1.448635774935967
2006 5  6 1.3460122911501249
2006 3 26  .6563246369597865
2006 2  5  .8323721437736751
2006 2  6  .6563246369597865
2006 3 39 .47906925029552666
2006 3 53 .27526857046048253
2006 3 48 .24095777953558578
2006 3 53 .24095777953558578
2006 5 53  1.448635774935967
2006 3 48 .24095777953558578
2006 2 36   .609829636694957
2006 2  6 .24095777953558578
2006 4 42 .44513128169733296
2006 3 26   .609829636694957
2006 4 26 .24095777953558578
2006 2 27  .8323721437736751
2006 2  6 .24095777953558578
2006 3 18  .5247828540709243
2006 3  4 .44513128169733296
2006 3 13 .44513128169733296
2006 3 39   .609829636694957
2006 6 40 .44513128169733296
2006 2 39 1.3460122911501249
2006 1 37 .47906925029552666
2006 2 48  .5247828540709243
2006 3 47 .24095777953558578
2006 3  6  .8958343645587167
2006 3  6 .24095777953558578
2006 4 48  .8269102220986886
2006 4 49 .24095777953558578
2006 4 27 1.3460122911501249
2006 3  4   .609829636694957
2006 2 33  .8323721437736751
2006 3 39 .24631205437842263
2006 5 37  .5247828540709243
2006 4 55   .609829636694957
2006 4  6 1.3460122911501249
2006 4 37   .609829636694957
2006 3 18  .5647936660597331
2006 4 20  1.448635774935967
2006 4 34 .24095777953558578
2006 4 17 1.2466091687511938
2006 4 48 .44513128169733296
2006 3 39 .24095777953558578
2006 3 36  .6563246369597865
2006 4 17  .7038786650023755
2006 5 12 1.1582975461680245
2006 4 26 .44513128169733296
2006 4  4 .24095777953558578
2006 5 48 .24095777953558578
2006 6 48 .24095777953558578
2006 2 53 .24095777953558578
2006 4 26 .24095777953558578
2006 4  6  .6563246369597865
2006 4 31   .270499072840533
2006 3  6  1.048714303130492
label values ideo5 ideo5
label def ideo5 1 "Very Liberal", modify
label def ideo5 2 "Liberal", modify
label def ideo5 3 "Moderate", modify
label def ideo5 4 "Conservative", modify
label def ideo5 5 "Very Conservative", modify
label def ideo5 6 "Not Sure", modify
label values state state
label def state 1 "Alabama", modify
label def state 4 "Arizona", modify
label def state 5 "Arkansas", modify
label def state 6 "California", modify
label def state 8 "Colorado", modify
label def state 12 "Florida", modify
label def state 13 "Georgia", modify
label def state 17 "Illinois", modify
label def state 18 "Indiana", modify
label def state 19 "Iowa", modify
label def state 20 "Kansas", modify
label def state 24 "Maryland", modify
label def state 26 "Michigan", modify
label def state 27 "Minnesota", modify
label def state 31 "Nebraska", modify
label def state 32 "Nevada", modify
label def state 33 "New Hampshire", modify
label def state 34 "New Jersey", modify
label def state 36 "New York", modify
label def state 37 "North Carolina", modify
label def state 38 "North Dakota", modify
label def state 39 "Ohio", modify
label def state 40 "Oklahoma", modify
label def state 41 "Oregon", modify
label def state 42 "Pennsylvania", modify
label def state 47 "Tennessee", modify
label def state 48 "Texas", modify
label def state 49 "Utah", modify
label def state 53 "Washington", modify
label def state 55 "Wisconsin", modify