I am trying to draw a graph where I want to create continuous categories our of the number of days taken to release subisdy for an implement. I want to divide the categories from 0-30 days, 30-60 days, and so on. Can someone help me with generating a new variable to create categories, and count the number of implements for those categories. The data example is below:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str86 implementscheme double number_days
"Animal Deterrent Bio-Acaustic Equipment-Electric Operated(With Solar Panel) State Plan"    1525
"Brush Cutter(1 HP & above petrol engine operated) State Plan"                              1967
"Brush Cutter(Below 3 BHP petrol driven) State Plan"                                         796
"Cage Wheel(one pair) State Plan"                                                           1364
"Chaff Cutter Manual State Plan"                                                         2565919
"Chaff Cutter(Mannual Heavy Duty)-3 Roller, Shuking Type State Plan"                       33070
"Chaff Cutter(Manual)-2 Roller,Non-Shuking Type State Plan"                               489315
"Chaff Cutter-Stationary Engine Operated (Upto 2 HP Electrict Motor) State Plan"           23403
"Chaff Cutter-Stationary Engine Operated(Upto 3-5 HP Electrict Moter) State Plan"          80859
"Chaff Cutter-Tractor PTO Operated(35 HP & Above) State Plan"                              90143
"ChainSawForPruning State Plan"                                                               35
"Combine Harvester(S/P) State Plan"                                                         6140
"Combine Harvester(T/D) State Plan"                                                          287
"Combines SMAM"                                                                               28
"Combines State Plan"                                                                      21318
"Cultivator(T/D) State Plan"                                                              253159
"Dibler State Plan"                                                                           71
"Disc Harrow(T/D) State Plan"                                                             174303
"Disc Plough State Plan"                                                                      19
"Folding LDPE Irrigation Pipe NFSM"                                                       105003
"Folding LDPE Irrigation Pipe State Plan"                                                5245860
"HDPE Irrigation Pipe BGREI"                                                               41047
"HDPE Irrigation Pipe NMOOP"                                                                 387
"HDPE Irrigation Pipe State Plan"                                                          59611
"HDPE Laminated Woven Layflat Tube BGREI"                                                  23185
"HDPE Laminated Woven Layflat Tube NFSM"                                                    5422
"HDPE Laminated Woven Layflat Tube State Plan"                                            238174
"HDPE Tarpaulin Sheet NFSM"                                                               111826
"HDPE laminated woven layflat tubes NFSM"                                                   1296
"HDPE laminated woven layflat tubes State Plan"                                           196142
"Hydraulic Trailer State Plan"                                                             65264
"IrrigationPipe NFSM"                                                                      11068
"IrrigationPipe NMOOP"                                                                     14878
"IrrigationPipe State Plan"                                                               498712
"Laser Land Leveller State Plan"                                                            1303
"Leveller T/D (6 Feet & Above) State Plan"                                                  9764
"M.B.Plough 2-3 bottom(35 HP & Above) State Plan"                                           5660
"Manual Plant Protection Equip.(Sprayer/Duster) State Plan"                                 6012
"Manual Rocker Sprayer(Gator) State Plan"                                                 204528
"Marker State Plan"                                                                          111
"Mini Dal Mill State Plan"                                                                    48
"Mini Rubber Rice Mill BGREI"                                                               1448
"Mini Rubber Rice Mill State Plan"                                                         20732
"Mini Rubber Rice Mill(Above 4 Q/hr Output Capacity)-Tractor operated State Plan"          18676
"Multi Crop Thresher BGREI"                                                                  312
"Multi Crop Thresher NFSM"                                                                  3522
"Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP) BGREI"                                  107
"Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP) NFSM"                                   183
"Multi Crop Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP) State Plan"                            5847
"Paddy Thresher BGREI"                                                                       314
"Paddy Thresher NFSM"                                                                        191
"Paddy Thresher(Driven by Engine/Electric motor below 5 BHP) State Plan"                      20
"Paddy Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP) BGREI"                                       210
"Paddy Thresher(Driven by Tractor above 35 BHP) State Plan"                                 8884
"Paddy Transplanter(S/P) upto 4-row State Plan"                                              100
"PaddyDrumSeeder BGREI"                                                                       65
"PaddyDrumSeeder State Plan"                                                               16626
"PaddyThresherManual State Plan"                                                           34295
"PaddyThresherPowerOpt6feetDrumSize BGREI"                                                  1737
"PaddyThresherPowerOpt6feetDrumSize NFSM"                                                    322
"PaddyThresherPowerOpt6feetDrumSize State Plan"                                           133539
"PaddyTransplanter BGREI"                                                                   2319
"PaddyTransplanter NFSM"                                                                     165
"PaddyTransplanter State Plan"                                                              1107
"Petrol Engine Pumpset(up to 10 hp) State Plan"                                             2804
"Potato Digger (Above 35 HP tractor operated) State Plan"                                     67
"Potato Digger State Plan"                                                                    91
"Potato Planter State Plan"                                                                10241
"Potato Planter(Above 35 HP) State Plan"                                                    6151
"Power Knapsack Sprayer BGREI"                                                             37565
"Power Knapsack Sprayer NFSM"                                                              22854
"Power Maize Sheller State Plan"                                                           13573
"Power Maize Sheller(Electric motor operated) State Plan"                                    248
"Power Maize Sheller(T/D) State Plan"                                                       3981
"Power Maize Thresher(T/D) State Plan"                                                      2778
"Power Operated Multi Crop Thresher(T/D) State Plan"                                        3778
"Power Operated Wheat Thresher(T/D) State Plan"                                            64729
"Power Paddy Thresher(6 Feet drum size) State Plan"                                        46158
"Power Sprayer BGREI"                                                                        604
"Power Sprayer NFSM"                                                                        3773
"Power Sprayer NFSM-oilseeds"                                                                 24
"Power Sprayer State Plan"                                                                593925
"Power Tiller(8 Hp & Above) State Plan"                                                    54213
"Power Tiller(Below 8 Hp) State Plan"                                                         66
"Power tiller BGREI"                                                                         983
"Power tiller RKVY"                                                                          977
"Power tiller State Plan"                                                                 262380
"PowerOperatedEquip(Cultivator) State Plan"                                               535244
"PowerOperatedEquip(Harrow) State Plan"                                                   249188
"PowerOpt.Thresher State Plan"                                                            151443
"PowerWeeder BGREI"                                                                          810
"PowerWeeder NFSM"                                                                           862
"PowerWeeder State Plan"                                                                   19933
"Puddler State Plan"                                                                         144
"Pump Set(Diesel)Up to 10 HP BGREI"                                                       186095
"Pump Set(Diesel)Up to 10 HP NFSM"                                                        102011
"Pump Set(Diesel)Up to 10 HP NFSM-oilseeds"                                                 1142
"Pump Set(Diesel)Up to 10 HP State Plan"                                                   79445
"Pump Set(Electric) Up to 10 HP BGREI"                                                    255087
"Pump Set(Electric) Up to 10 HP NFSM"                                                      12341
There are few observations which go upto more than 500 days. Is there a way to include those in the graph without making it look too clumsy.