I'm trying to make a plot of my regression results using coefplot. I have data on export value and quantity over 24 months for 30 countries and 66 products and I run the following DID regression.
reg lnvalue time treated did2 did1 did didd1 didd2 didd3 didd4 didd5 i.country i.month i.product, r cluster(country) est store reg1
My regression output results in the different DID estimates and tons of FE and when I run the coefplot command:
coefplot reg1, vertical drop(_cons) yline(0)
I have also tried the following version based on a previous question regarding a similar problem
coefplot reg1, vertical keep(*.did2 *.did1 *.did *.didd1 *.didd2 *.didd3 *.didd4 *.didd5) yline(0)
Is there anyway of getting rid of all the FE and simply only plotting the DID estimates?
Thanks in advance!
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