
I am quite new to stata. I have searched answer, but I haven´t found right one yet.

I have data that has values of various micronutrient intake and i would like to compare mean value with recommendation value so that i can show results "% of recommendation" in order to compare these percentages between two age groups. Also i have two different groups with different recommendation values (pregnant and non pregnant).


Mean value of intake of phosporos in pregnant women total is 900 mg. 18-30 years age group has mean intake 800 mg , 31-35 years age group has mean intake 1000mg. Recommendation value for pregnant woman is 700mg/day.
I need to show data like that: 18-30 years old have intake 114% of recommendation, 31-35 years old have intake 143% of recommendation and all pregnant women 129% of recommendation.
Next step would be to find statistical differences between these age groups percentages of recommendation.
I would like to repeat this with non pregnant woman also, who has different recommendation value - 600mg/day.

Which would be the easiest way to do it in stata?

Kind regards,