Stata Status: Beginner

I have declared a local variable inside my function. And whenever I reference it for a mathematical operation, it gives me the error 'invalid name'. A snippet of the code is given below:

cap program drop ix

program ix, rclass
    version 15.1
    syntax varlist(numeric min=1 max=1), ix(string)
    local y `:word 1 of `varlist''
    sum `y'
    tempname nt
    matrix nt  = `ix'
    gen v = y:*nt

    //return lists
I have put a trace and it stops at the gen v line with 'y: invalid name'. I have tried using `y', $y, y. Nothing works.
Note: The variable y has content, it is not 0. The matrix from ix and y have dimensions that allow the :* operation. nt is not empty.

Where am I going wrong?