I have several .csv data files that I want to import and save using a for loop.
The file names have a pattern, namely, scd1011, scd1112, scd1213, scd1314,...,scd1516
I am thinking of the following code, but cannot get the result
1. forvalues i =10(1)15{
cd "$rawdata"
insheet using "scd`i'`i+1'.csv", clear
cd "$workdata"
save "scd`i'`i+1'.dta",replace
2. forvalues i =10(1)15{
scalar j=i+1
cd "$rawdata"
insheet using "scd`i'`j'.csv", clear
cd "$workdata"
save "scd`i'`j'.dta",replace
Is there any solution to this?
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