Another question from my side, this time pertaining to GMM models.
I am looking at the code a colleague of mine wrote to regress GMM models.
The xtabond2 command, I understand reasonably well. For example,
xtabond2 ipub l.ipub l.gov_deb cycle Lgdicap l.ipriv l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield f.expectations i.year, gmm(l.ipub l.gov_deb l.ipriv cycle l.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield, lag(2 8)collapse) iv(Lgdicap i.year f.expectations ) nolevel cluster() artest(3)
The only thing you need to do in the command is say:
- You want a difference gmm
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- You want a collapsed set of instruments
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- Which variables are potentially endogenous and then Stata takes lagged values for all these variables as instruments.
I am less sure for the xtivreg2 command. For example:
xtivreg2 ipub (l.gov_deb= l2.gov_deb l3.gov_deb) Lgdicap cycle L.ipriv L.pub_expenditure l.y10_bond_yield f.expectations, fe cluster(country) endog(l.gov_deb) first gmm
- Here, you also have to say which instrument(s) you can use for the potentially endogenous variable, right?
- And we say there is only one endogenous variable (i.e. l.gov_debt) and we use two instruments (second and third lag of gov_debt).
- We want the results of the first stage and the related post estimation tests
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Sorry for the questions, but I cannot seem to find much information about this online.
P.S. I would appreciate it greatly if you wouldn't reply by saying "read this or that", but give feedback on the actual questions posed here, so I can really understand it with a practical example.
Thank you for your help,
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