I ´d like to write my report directly in stata with the putdocx tool and want to report simple descriptive statistics.
After using the summarize command it is possible to use the automatically saved results with `r(x)'.
Has someone experience with storing values of cells after using a tabulate command?
I´d tried it with matrix commands, but I didn´t get it.
I´ll give you a simple example, what I mean:
I want to report how many doctors are working in a single praxis.
The variable "praxis" has two values: 1 = single praxis and 2 = group praxis.
tab praxis
Pratice | Freq | Percent | Cum. |
single practice | 158 | 35,91 | 35,91 |
group practice | 282 | 64,09 | 100,00 |
Total | 440 | 100,00 |
I know the putdoxc command is like this:
putdocx text ("??? % are working in a single practice.")
How do I get the 35,91 % in the text?
Many thanks in advance!
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