Hello all

So I am doing an analysis using psmatch2. I have run all the required commands to get ATT estimates. However, the issue I am facing is when I export the results to Latex (or any other format). The tables exported show estimates for the unmatched population and not for the ATT.

Not sure what option to add in the esttab command to have the ATT estimates reported for the matched population. Help here will be much appreciated.

Pasting my code below:
* Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
drop if round==1
generate sort_id = uniform() //have set seed at the start of do-file
sort sort_id

qui probit treatment *have added covariates here*, vce(cluster cluster_code_new)

predict pscore if e(sample)

forvalues i=1/43 {
local y: word `i' of $stitch $skills $mkt $earn $mobility $nonecon $hh $spill $childnut $malepercep

eststo psm_1A_`i': psmatch2 vbt, out(`y') pscore(pscore) n(1) norepl common

pstest $in


// Exporting tables (for first 5 variables)
cap cd "$file/Tex/Results"

forvalues i=1/1 {
local reg: word `i' of "psm"

esttab `reg'_1A_1 `reg'_1A_2 `reg'_1A_3 `reg'_1A_4 `reg'_1A_5 using "`reg'.tex", ///
se star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) label replace b(3)