Hi All,

I am currently running a regression of y on x, every year, for 100 years. I wish to display the coefficients on x, by year, and make use of the coefplot command as in:

forvalues i = 1900/200 {     
    regress y x if year == `i'
    estimates store year`i'
    local allyears `allyears' year`i'  ||
    local labels `labels' `i'
After this, I use the coefplot command:

coefplot `allyears', keep(x) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')
Now, I obtain what I intend to, but the x -axis is quite crowded. This is because there are a 100 years of data. Is there an option to display only selected values of lables, for instance, that indicate only decades? i.e. every 10 years?

Many thanks,