Hi there,
I am using the BHPS and testing how quickly respondents' happiness measures revert back to original levels after winning a lottery.

I have panel data in the following format:
pid wave lotwin happiness
30 1 0 4
30 2 0 4
30 3 0 4
30 4 1 6
30 5 0 5
30 6 0 4
30 7 0 4
31 1 0 4
31 2 0 4
31 3 1 7
31 4 0 7
31 5 0 6
where pid is the unique identifier, happiness is on a scale of 1-12 and lotwin is a binary variable with 1 if you won the lottery and 0 if you did not.
Each wave corresponds to a different year (e.g. wave 1 = 1996, wave 2 = 1997, etc).

I am trying to graph respondents' happiness scores in times T-2, T-1, T, T+1, T+2 where T is the year the individual won the lottery, and calculate the ratio happiness(T+2)/happiness(T-2) for individuals to classify them as "fast to adapt" and "slow to adapt" given an arbitrary ratio cut off point.

As individuals won the lottery in different waves, I am struggling to work out how to create the variable T and then how to use this as a reference point?

Please could you be of assistance. Thank you in advance for your help!