Hi everyone and happy new Year,

I would like to show in a plot that a categorical variable (a dummy specifically) and a continuous variable are correlated. How can I do that?
I will show you my (bad) results below...I have plotted the fitted values on the continuous variable, but apparently I have done something wrong:

This is the dataex:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float recalled_dummy_byfirm double tot_sales float log_tot_sales
0 1113.4760742044518  7.015242
0  24101614.36935137  16.99779
0  4394125.125922655  15.29578
0 41891691.779681504 17.550598
0  496.9142813666729  6.208417
0 3457450.7099350286 15.056042
0 29781.004478986808 10.301626
0  6688352.636122874 15.715878
0 1023685.0082260867  13.83892
0  502248.4229268609  13.12685
0  82.45955933317781  4.412308
0   140003.883568737 11.849425
0 2837956.0285489867 14.858595
0  44207581.22703247 17.604406
0  797037.7454917706 13.588657
0  416103.5217390398  12.93869
0  741191521.7011408  20.42377
0  5467029.886278819 15.514246
0  49498.80240358039 10.809704
0 30164.097628740066 10.314407
0 222581.32152515725 12.313047
0 1146955.0700913626 13.952621
0 1969868.8437640197 14.493478
0 11118918.220323103  16.22416
0  539751.9470688725 13.198865
0  985.1672983974645  6.892811
0     6178.060923303   8.72876
0  151222645.6819696 18.834263
0  545703.7791906247  13.20983
0  7665862341.894491  22.76004
0   971148.621263874 13.786235
0  794234.0318757556 13.585134
0 256499.57484354204 12.454883
0  7529410.327107976 15.834328
0 460.17590708242204  6.131609
0  40910.03527002819  10.61913
0   4512.88991982963  8.414693
0  87.31371441729897 4.4695077
0 13428.599629095314  9.505142
0   2783880.57175926 14.839356
0  3790393.179207244  15.14798
0  2178201.945228299  14.59401
0  844643606.7758082 20.554426
0  1286902325.956602 20.975504
0   340820.572072454 12.739112
0  54732.44839913502 10.910212
0 28035.075917002723 10.241212
0  7481.720159301102  8.920218
0 30234854.987732306 17.224506
0  9227902.617169207 16.037743
0 3710302.3268464007 15.126624
0  930868.2835078022 13.743873
0  324743.0710504343  12.69079
1  50318338803.73652 24.641636
0  604238.9901478614 13.311725
0  1643707.394608449 14.312465
0  46524.24402256254  10.74773
1  77463455.56607509 18.165318
0 2097765.5679272357 14.556383
0 195508.99961041173 12.183362
0 1148613.9001555594 13.954066
0 3551802.0606248565 15.082966
0  6518268.982895616  15.69012
0 1652832.2164844885    14.318
0 20466194.921815265 16.834286
0 428572.74838139024 12.968216
0 2242090.4846752696  14.62292
0 1909445.8545604625 14.462323
0 1402644.0973251425  14.15387
0  93522.12291372954 11.445953
0 3281.3363325683695  8.096006
0  6181070.950078235 15.637002
0  359771908.7074979  19.70098
0 11.425565077664707 2.4358535
0 455103.65316153417  13.02828
0   10475152.7600019 16.164516
0  985040.8455827299 13.800438
0   521978.202494994 13.165381
0 20690490.057945695 16.845184
0 115109.82337942778 11.653642
0  373719.3565319314  12.83126
0 1235361.5267128244 14.026875
0  55.89785659801679  4.023526
0  35365224.64688697 17.381239
0  556286.9400060605  13.22904
0  903350.4092426567 13.713866
0 493878.69475410716 13.110045
0  8964990516.836872 22.916594
0  648.3229754151265  6.474389
0 1562185.6878791922 14.261597
0 15581242.227551658 16.561579
0 238804.66708781102   12.3834
0  75094.23704981519   11.2265
0  795053.0252077907 13.586164
0  37314.44272539405 10.527136
0 19846.087420229367  9.895762
0  363282530.2077879  19.71069
0  36664.90451282127 10.509575
1 1011690898.0537733  20.73489
0  3567485.759946689 15.087372
This is what I tried to do:
reg tot_sales recalled
predict fitted_values
twoway(scatter fitted_values tot_sales)(line fitted tot_sales)

Thank you very much!