I'm trying to get pvalues for the outer weights of the formative part of my measurement model in PLSSEM. PLSSEM provides pvalues for the outer loadings and the structural coefficients. Running the BOOTSTRAP command post estimation returns either a "command not found" or "error in expression e(outerweights)" - e(outerweights) being the PLSSEM matrix with the stored outer weights values.

Here is the STATA command:

. bs e(outerweights), seed(1): plssem (trust < d3 d13 d20) (know < d2 d6 d9) ( inn < d1 d8 d14) (env < d4 d10 d17) (ad
> apt > d16 d18) (mitig > d15), structural(adapt inn env trust know, mitig inn env trust know ) boot(200) seed(123) sta
> ts correlate(lv) loadpval
(running plssem on estimation sample)
type mismatch
error in expression: e(outerweights)

Any idea why BOOTSTRAP does not run with PLSSEM?