I am using the lasso2 package for model building and variable selection and have some questions about the differences between rlasso and lasso2 commands.
The lasso2 command takes a long time to converge when a large number of variables are included, while the rlasso command is nearly instantaneous. I am a bit confused why this would be.
Here's a reproducible illustration:
sysuse auto, clear foreach var in mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio { gen `var'2 = `var' ^2 gen `var'3 = `var' ^3 } //Create a bunch of new variables for demonstration eststo lasso1: lasso2 price mpg* rep78* headroom* trunk* weight* length* turn* displacement* gear_ratio* //takes a while to converge eststo lasso2: rlasso price mpg* rep78* headroom* trunk* weight* length* turn* displacement* gear_ratio*, displayall //instant
lasso2, lic(ebic) //model selected by EBIC NO VARIALBES? lasso2, lic(aicc) //model selected by AICC
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