what should I replace my clock time string (text like "00:00", "24:00" - so, no date included, mere clock time!) with? I want to
gen double h1m01v10q001_1_e2 = clock(h1m01v10q001_1_e, "hm") gen double h1m01v11q001_1_e2 = clock(h1m01v11q001_1_e, "hm")
gen h1m01v50_1_g = (h1m01v11q001_1_e2 - h1m01v10q001_1_e2)/60000/60
Stata doesn't calculate any difference between the two times, not even after
replace h1m01v11q001_1_e = 2 + 24*60*60000
I could, of course,
replace h1m01v11q001_1_e = "23:59" if h1m01v11q001_1_e == "24:00"
So, what may I do about it?
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