
I'm relatively new to stata, and cant seem to get around this error message. I am trying to carry out a reg with two-way clustering, by using the ado file provided by Cameron, Gelbach and Miller (2006).

Website: http://cameron.econ.ucdavis.edu/research/papers.html
The ado file is called "cgmreg.ado".
I have tried to run the test code provided by the authors to see how it works, before I try it on my data. The test code:

#delimit clear /* generate data */ set obs 100 gen x = invnorm(uniform()) gen y = 2 * x + invnorm(uniform()) gen clu_id_1 = floor((_n-1) / 10) + 1 gen clu_id_2 = _n - ((clu_id_1-1) * 10) /* estimate model */ cgmreg y x , cluster(clu_id_1 clu_id_2)
But every time I runt the test I am getting this error message.
cgmreg y x , cluster(clu_id_1 clu_id_2)

Note: +/- means the corresponding matrix is added/subtracted

_robust_work(): 3102 function found where matrix required
rob__compute(): - function returned error
_robust(): - function returned error
_robust2(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks