I am calculating age-adjusted prevalence of certain diseases using direct method. I have a variable agestd that contains frequency of age groups
. tab agestd

        Age |
Groups-Stan |
dardization |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
  18-24 yrs |     85,585       11.98       11.98
  25-44 yrs |    252,055       35.29       47.28
  45-64 yrs |    246,928       34.57       81.85
    65+ yrs |    129,619       18.15      100.00
      Total |    714,187      100.00
The second variable contains standard weights based on 2000 US population

. tab std_wt

   Standard |
     weight |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
     .12881 |     85,585       11.98       11.98
    .170271 |    129,619       18.15       30.13
    .299194 |    246,928       34.57       64.71
    .401725 |    252,055       35.29      100.00
      Total |    714,187      100.00
The survey command I'm using to calculate age standardized prevalence is
svy,subpop (if occp==1 &  working==1): prop copd, stdize(agestd) stdweight(std_wt)
svy,subpop (if occp==1 &  working==0): prop copd, stdize(agestd) stdweight(std_wt)
The command runs fine but I would like to ask if the syntax is correct. Thanks