Hi all,

Since I am not very familiar with the margin analysis, so it will be really appreciated if you can give me some ideas about the marginsplot.

I firstly run the fixed effect regression:

 .  xtreg coverage high i.high#i.year delta_child No_child_k_2,fe
note: 1.high#2015.year omitted because of collinearity

Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =        236
Group variable: region2                         Number of groups  =         10

R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
     within  = 0.9575                                         min =         20
     between = 0.2169                                         avg =       23.6
     overall = 0.7916                                         max =         24

                                                F(25,201)         =     181.02
corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.0885                        Prob > F          =     0.0000

    coverage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        high |   13.50749   .4410619    30.62   0.000     12.63779    14.37719
   high#year |
     0 2005  |   2.697003   .4492615     6.00   0.000     1.811132    3.582873
     0 2006  |   4.109897   .4475569     9.18   0.000     3.227388    4.992406
     0 2007  |   3.661136   .4424459     8.27   0.000     2.788705    4.533567
     0 2008  |   3.483452   .4315488     8.07   0.000     2.632509    4.334396
     0 2009  |   6.500022   .4366065    14.89   0.000     5.639105    7.360939
     0 2010  |   7.397191   .4361316    16.96   0.000     6.537211    8.257171
     0 2011  |   9.491619   .4361666    21.76   0.000      8.63157    10.35167
     0 2012  |   10.58361   .4381868    24.15   0.000      9.71958    11.44765
     0 2013  |   11.03185     .44718    24.67   0.000     10.15009    11.91362
     0 2014  |   10.58706   .4626824    22.88   0.000     9.674727     11.4994
     0 2015  |   10.29855   .4410619    23.35   0.000     9.428844    11.16825
     1 2004  |  -1.751561   .4299237    -4.07   0.000      -2.5993   -.9038216
     1 2005  |  -1.696726   .4299592    -3.95   0.000    -2.544536    -.848917
     1 2006  |   -2.01184    .427766    -4.70   0.000    -2.855324   -1.168355
     1 2007  |  -1.634555   .4257643    -3.84   0.000    -2.474093   -.7950178
     1 2008  |  -1.244545   .4264252    -2.92   0.004    -2.085386   -.4037044
     1 2009  |  -.0314732    .419265    -0.08   0.940    -.8581953    .7952488
     1 2010  |   .5597646    .419487     1.33   0.184    -.2673953    1.386924
     1 2011  |   .7301144   .4200139     1.74   0.084    -.0980844    1.558313
     1 2012  |   .9011659   .4191334     2.15   0.033     .0747035    1.727628
     1 2013  |   .7714839   .4194319     1.84   0.067    -.0555672    1.598535
     1 2014  |   .3475823   .4263088     0.82   0.416     -.493029    1.188193
     1 2015  |          0  (omitted)
 delta_child |   .0204118    .018742     1.09   0.277    -.0165444    .0573679
No_child_k_2 |  -.0021787    .004447    -0.49   0.625    -.0109475    .0065901
       _cons |   82.65002   .6451935   128.10   0.000      81.3778    83.92223
     sigma_u |  2.0873483
     sigma_e |  .93597554
         rho |  .83259355   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
F test that all u_i=0: F(9, 201) = 99.18                     Prob > F = 0.0000
** High is a dummy variable. high == 1 means treatment group. high == 0 means control group.

Now I run:

. margins year#high

Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =        236
Model VCE    : Conventional

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()

             |            Delta-method
             |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
   year#high |
     2004 0  |   82.36253   .3197892   257.55   0.000     81.73575     82.9893
     2004 1  |   94.11846   .3041389   309.46   0.000     93.52235    94.71456
     2005 0  |   85.05953   .3186661   266.92   0.000     84.43496     85.6841
     2005 1  |   94.17329   .3053715   308.39   0.000     93.57477    94.77181
     2006 0  |   86.47242   .3175103   272.35   0.000     85.85011    87.09473
     2006 1  |   93.85818   .3026694   310.10   0.000     93.26496     94.4514
     2007 0  |   86.02366   .3156681   272.51   0.000     85.40496    86.64236
     2007 1  |   94.23546   .2996899   314.44   0.000     93.64808    94.82284
     2008 0  |   85.84598   .3020403   284.22   0.000     85.25399    86.43797
     2008 1  |   94.62547   .3020403   313.29   0.000     94.03348    95.21746
     2009 0  |   88.86255   .2961302   300.08   0.000     88.28214    89.44295
     2009 1  |   95.83854   .2961302   323.64   0.000     95.25814    96.41895
     2010 0  |   89.75972   .2965945   302.63   0.000      89.1784    90.34103
     2010 1  |   96.42978   .2965945   325.12   0.000     95.84847     97.0111
     2011 0  |   91.85415   .2976081   308.64   0.000     91.27084    92.43745
     2011 1  |   96.60013   .2976081   324.59   0.000     96.01683    97.18343
     2012 0  |   92.94614   .2974581   312.47   0.000     92.36313    93.52915
     2012 1  |   96.77118   .2974581   325.33   0.000     96.18818    97.35419
     2013 0  |   93.39438   .3015762   309.69   0.000      92.8033    93.98546
     2013 1  |    96.6415   .3015762   320.45   0.000     96.05042    97.23258
     2014 0  |   92.94959   .3130885   296.88   0.000     92.33595    93.56323
     2014 1  |    96.2176   .3130885   307.32   0.000     95.60396    96.83124
     2015 0  |   92.66107   .2976214   311.34   0.000     92.07775     93.2444
     2015 1  |   95.87002   .2976214   322.12   0.000     95.28669    96.45334
The table shows how the margins of the two groups are over years. I then run the command of marginsplot, please see the marginsplot below:
1. No confidence interval of the two groups is intersected,
2. the CI is very narrowed. I have no clues about what this means and is that normal, or meaning my diagram has some problem?

Thank you so much, and very looking forward to your fantastic ideas! Array