Dear all,
I am doing a difference-in-differences estimation to see the effect of a parental leave reform on mothers' and fathers' wages. However, I am not sure that I specify the treatment and control groups as well as the time dummy correctly. What I want to specify in the end is

xtreg log(wage), robust
for the simple model. I also want to include fixed effects and control variables

xtreg log(wage), *controls*, *fixed effects*, fe robust
But I do not think I specify the treatment/control groups correctly.
The reform was implemented October 15th 1997. I have data running from 1994 to 2007. First, I created a time dummy equal to one if year is larger or equal to 1997:
gen post = (year>=1997)
I also created the treatment variable equal to 1 if the individuals had their first child after the reform and 0 otherwise. However, I do not think I specify it correctly as it is now dependent on the time.
I tried to respecify the treatment variable as

gen treatment = 1 if birthdate>tc(15oct1997) & birthdate<=(31dec1997)
replace treatment = 0 if if birthdate>=tc(01au1997) & birthdate<=(15oct1997)

replace treatment = 1 if birthdate>tc(15oct1996) & birthdate<=(31dec1996) 
replace treatment = 0 if if birthdate>=tc(01au1996) & birthdate<=(15oct1996)
as I understand that I need a 'treatment' group that is actually never treated as the year dummy only equal 1 if born in or after 1997

Do you have any ideas on how I could specify the control and treatment groups correctly as I don't think it is correct right now?
