Hello, i'm new in this forum.

I have inherited a plotting function in a project where the person inspires her code from the stata module cibar.
This plotting function has arguments, spikeopts (spike options), ciopts (confidence interval options), spikecolor ... For example :

HTML Code:
* Spike options
local spikeopts = "fintensity(inten100) `a1'axis(1 2 3)" + " " + `"`spikeopts'"'
local sg = `spikegap' / 100

* Confidence interval options
local ciopts = "lcolor(gs8)" + " " + `"`ciopts'"'

* Add colors to graph command
if wordcount(`"`spikecolor'"') > 0 {
qui gen scolors = `"`spikecolor'"'
qui split scolors, gen(scolor)

forvalues j = 1/`r(nvars)' {
cap qui replace spike`j' = spike`j' + " color(" + scolor`j' + ")"
I want to add an option to this function to be able to control the shape of the spikes (i.e. have an argument msymbol) I dont quite know how to do this in the syntax, any help appreciated, im fully new