I am currently working with a rather big dataset (135mm observations) and I need to run a few regressions. I think it's for the best if I explain my doubt through a reproducible example. My main goal would be to attain the equivalent of the coefficients from the following regression:
clear all sysuse auto reghdfe price i.mpg, noabsorb vce(robust)
foreach l of local levels{ gen byte mpg_`l' = 0 replace mpg_`l' = 1 if mpg==`l' } reghdfe price mpg_14, absorb(mpg_15-mpg_41) vce(robust)
gen int mpg_aux = . replace mpg_aux = mpg if mpg!=12 & mpg!=14 reghdfe price mpg_14, absorb(mpg_aux) vce(robust)
Can any of you explain to me why collinearity is only a problem in this last specification? Is there any way to circumvent this while retaining efficiency?
Best regards,
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