Dear experts,

I would like to kindly ask for your help in the interpretation of a regression output. Compare statistical significants and the economic importance of my various regressors--Is my key explanatory variable important? What are your most important variables? Fully and carefully use words to interpret at least one parameter estimate (using B, marginal effect, or elasticity; elasticity is easiest as long as it’s a continuous variable).
here is my regression:

use "C:\Users\hartm\Downloads\cosub_place_panel_pr oper ty2_9018 (6).dta
> "

. regress incherfindahl pctbachelors pctnevermarr pct18to64 unemprate

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 65,143
-------------+---------------------------------- F(4, 65138) = 811.53
Model | 23.8730515 4 5.96826289 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 479.046789 65,138 .007354337 R-squared = 0.0475
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.0474
Total | 502.91984 65,142 .007720362 Root MSE = .08576

incherfind~l | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
pctbachelors | -.1945729 .0048227 -40.34 0.000 -.2040255 -.1851204
pctnevermarr | -.003355 .005335 -0.63 0.529 -.0138116 .0071016
pct18to64 | .1157761 .0071806 16.12 0.000 .1017021 .1298501
unemprate | -.3474631 .008519 -40.79 0.000 -.3641603 -.330766
_cons | .0709203 .0042465 16.70 0.000 .0625972 .0792435