
I am making barplots using the catplot (ssc) package, to show the % diabetes by countries for different years. The plot is correct, but doesn't not very efficient as there are many empty categories, this is because for some countries there is no value for certain years.

Here (#5) is a similar chart where I just want to hide the empty categories throughout the plot.

Please let me know if this can be done.

Thanks in advance!

 sysuse auto, clear
tab foreign rep78, row
gen id=_n
graph bar (count) id, over(rep78) over(foreign)
graph bar (percent) id, over(rep78) over(foreign)  
capture ssc inst catplot  
catplot rep78 foreign, percent(foreign) bar(1, bfcolor(none)) blabel(bar, pos(base) format(%3.2f))