I am running two multilevel models and storing the coefficients. I then want to test of the product of two coefficients, one from each model, is zero as a simple way to get at indirect effects/moderation. But I'm not sure how to indicate the stored coefficients. Here's my syntax
mixed lifesatis airsatis wtrsatis presenv LNhhincomeC female ageC tertedu eparttime unemployed nolabor marrdom divsepwid hlthprob LNcintenseC pctprotectC LNgdppcC meaneduC incgini19C wealthgini19C || WP5: airsatis wtrsatis presenv LNhhincomeC female ageC tertedu eparttime unemployed nolabor marrdom divsepwid hlthprob, reml
estimates store full_model
mixed airsatis LNhhincomeC female ageC tertedu eparttime unemployed nolabor marrdom divsepwid hlthprob LNcintenseC pctprotectC LNgdppcC meaneduC incgini19C wealthgini19C || WP5: LNhhincomeC female ageC tertedu eparttime unemployed nolabor marrdom divsepwid hlthprob, reml
estimates store airsat_model
Then when I try to test
test (([full_model]airsatis)*([airsat_model]LNcintenseC))=0
equation [full_model] not found
Help appreciated!
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