I am using a panel data set that has a unique firm id called 'firm_id'. However, this firm_id has some missing values. These missing values are all unique firms, so among the missing values no firm occurs twice. I want to fill those missing values by continuing to count from the current highest available firm_id.
(max_firm_id = the max of firm_id)
I wrote this loop:
global i = max_firm_id + 1
foreach x of varlist firm_id {
replace `x' = $i if (`x' == .)
global i = $i + 1
However, when I run this, all the missing values are replaced by the value of max_firm_id + 1. What I want is that only the first missing value gets the value of max_firm_id + 1, the second missing value is one higher, the third missing value is again one higher, and so on.
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