Hi, I am currently trying to generate a table in stata to import into Latex using the following code:
esttab using OLS_Tables.tex, replace keep(Leverage logTotalAssets Tangibility RevenueGrowth FirmAge _cons) order(Leverage logTotalAssets Tangibility RevenueGrowth FirmAge _cons) r2 b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f)label star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) nonotes addnotes("$^{\ast} \text{ } p<0.10,\text{ } ^{\ast \ast}p<0.05, \text{ } ^{\ast \ast}p<0.01$" "Robust standard errors in parentheses") compress
It generates the following table as seen below
How would I edit my code further to replicate the format of the following table including a title, a row below the equation number to include the type of regression (OLS) above the dependent variable (ROA), a seperate section showing Year FE?
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