I have a problem to interpret multiple cointegrating equations.
1. As I understand I do include ce1 and ce4 adjustment coefficient stationary in VECM model, is it right?
2. Then in ce models, I see 5 of them as shown in second file. ce1 is nx= 20.79658+1.53e-16 ln123c +2.08e-17 ln123h +....+ 3.353633ln CPI + .0228353 trend, right?
3.but most of them have no standard error except ln GDP and ln CPI. Then how could I interpret for ce? even without s.e I could say all the coefficient of the ECT is significant? or only lnGDP and lnCPI?
4. Eviews offers only one adjustment coefficient but stata multiple, so I'm not sure how to interpret the result