Hi guys,

Im a beginner user, i have a short project that i need some help on. I have an OLS regression, with a scale variable ranging from 0 to 5 as the dependent and various independent variables.

The dependent variable is "racial prejudice" and it is an index measure created from other variables. All my independent variables are categorical variables. Either binary 0/1's or likert type scales.

I am familiar with using chi squared to test two categoricals, although i am unsure what justifications/statistical tests i should be running on the independent variables and the independent variables/the dependent variable.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what tests i should run? Should i just be comparing means? or is there other preliminary tests i could run before building the regression model?

Bear in mind, i am a novice user, so i'm not looking for serious high falutin' statistical analysis, just some basic tests to make sure i'm meeting assumptions.