Hello Everyone,

I have a situation with respect to my data. I have weekly data from the top 200 songs streamed in Spotify for a total of 47 countries per week. So at the end when I append the 47 countries in one file to obtain a single file I get the following situation:

id artist country date
1 a x w1
1 a y w1
1 a z w1
1 a xx w1
2 b x w1
2 b y w1
2 b z w1
2 b xx w1

And so forth for the period of two years. So basically what I have is the same id in the same country repeated n times depending on how many songs they have in that country in that week, repeated around 47 countries for a total of 104 weeks. So basically I don't know how to set up the data for a xtset or a tsset, or if even doing that is necessary. Besides that, I tried to collapse the data so to have the percentages of how many times by country they are names but still I have the problem that the id ends up repeated through the different dates.

Any pieces of advice?

Ramadan Aly