I have models of multilevel logistic regression with random intercept and random slope.
In the first model, with only random intercept, Stata gave me a variance component of the constant.
In the second model, with the slope, it supposed to show me two variation components: one of the constant and another one of the slope.
instead, I have only the component of the slope.
why? something not right with the command?
Random intercept model:
xtmelogit racist i.men i.academic_education agea i.religion religiosity_level i.difficult_on_present_income i.ethnic_minority || cntry_numeric: , var mle
Random intercept and slope model:
xtmelogit racist i.men i.academic_education agea i.religion religiosity_level i.difficult_on_present_income i.ethnic_minority || cntry_numeric: r.men, var mle
I would appriciate any help.
Thank you,
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