Hello everyone,

I’m stuck on a problem regarding generation of a new variable.
My original dataset looks like this.
Offer ID Points Accept ID
3456 2
6789 6 3456
5678 6
8760 3 5678
5672 4 6789
Each Offer ID is uniquely assigned a Point. And some offer ID are uniquely assigned an Accept ID. Individuals from the Offer ID can be also Accept the offers made by individuals in the Offer ID. Therefore, the Accept IDs are from the column of Offer IDs.

I’d like to generate a new variable “Acceptor Points” which assigns the Points for the Acceptor IDs. The Acceptor Points is taken from the Points column with respect to the Acceptor IDs.

Ideally my dataset should look like this.
Offer ID Points Accept ID Acceptor Points
3456 2
6789 6 3456 2
5678 6
8760 3 5678 6
5672 4 6789 6
How would I go about coding the new variable “Acceptor Points”?